Six Israelis reportedly held hostage in Jewish center. Ultra-Orthodox organization officials say emissary, his wife unconscious. Local commando unit reports one gunman killed, four remain in building. Rabbi's son, nanny seen leaving place safely. At least 10 sites attacked overnight; 101 people killed, 314 injured
Ynet reporters Latest Update:
11.27.08, 12:12 / Israel News
3. Mossad plot. Anyone can see this.
Another Mossad plot to turn people against Muslims. Islam does not allow this kind of attack. Muslims had nothing to do with this. Just like 9/11-Mossad blew up World Trade Center and Muslims got blamed.
Abdul ,
The writer of the foregoing is obviously a member of the self-styled "Religion of Peace," called ISLAM.
An fitting answer to this brainwashed person's comment:
6. #3 "Islam doesn't allow this kind of attack"
This 'kind' of attack? Please, do tell me what kind of attacks it DOES allow. I'm really interested to hear. And I'm not being funny. So, please, go ahead....
Talula ,
Another COMMENT on Abdul's from GAZA's blaming MOSSAD for the Mumbai attack:
4. Mossad Plot? Abdul is a bomb belt-101 failure
Abdul, I guess it is genetics that makes you what you are - a true idiot or trying hard to be one. How do you love having Israeli Electricity and Israeli created wastewater treatment plants working - that is - when someone from Israel goes in to maintain the plants after world wide complaints because your government doesn't know how to turn a screw.
Hinda ,
sf bay area
And in reply to a Comment that says unkind things about India:
10. #8 - I don't think u understand India
India is probably the only country in the world that allowed jews to retain their identity for the 2000 years of our existence there. Sure they pray to cows, but they don't push their religion down other people's throats like the christians or muslims do! Most Indians are people of peace and respect other religions. Its the only reason so many religions co-exist in that country even today - something the world can learn from. Unfortunaly #8 I don't think u understand anything about India!!
Indian Jew ,
Herzelia, Israel
I do not wish to reprint the unkind Comment here. But if you feel obligated to read it, see
8. EVERYTHING HAS IT'S PLACE................
But, please do not take this to be the opinion of more than this Jew or perhaps a handful of Jews who misunderstand the religion of the Hindus that goes to such depths as to approximate in thought the cosmology that is being developed today re multiple universes that boggle the human mind.
Then, perhaps the "Abdul" who defends Islam as "not allowing" terrorism in the name of Islam might not be an Islamic himself:
11. Talula #6 - Really!!!
You appear not to pick up on the sarcasm of this post. 'Abdul' is not an Arab name for a start and is only used as a prefix for other names, e.g. Abdel -Kader. The writer who is probably an Israeli patriot is paradying the pathetic denials of Muslims of such violent outrages in the name of Islam.
Righteous Zionist ,
AND here we hear from a true believer in the hatred spouted by Islam in its koran, ahadith, "life of mohammed," etc.
46. Payback Day
This could be seen as a small payback to the atrocities and mischiefs committed by the Zionist Israelis
Abbas ,
Dahiya, Lebanon
All Moslems are not evil but Islam is evil.--Leslie White
Friday Night Massacre: Hegseth Fires Top Navy Officer and Vice Chief of the
Air Force
A major (and long rumored) purge is underway at the Pentagon tonight. After
President Trump ousts the Joint Chiefs Chairman, Secretary Hegseth fires
the ...
1 hour ago
Lesly , my dear those Muslims who are doing such things are the result of our leaders faults,so do not blame it on ISLAM!
ISLAM and terrorism are as incompatible and as opposed to each other as fire and water or night and day. Even militancy is alien to Islamic culture. How can a faith condone terrorism much less foster it, when it preaches: “Not equal are the good deed and the evil deed. Repel the evil deed by one which is better. Then lo! He, between whom and you there was enmity (will become) as though he was a bosom friend?” (Pickthall: Fussilat 41:34)
Muslims continue to adhere strictly to this sermon. They revere the Prophets of the Old Testament and Jesus, son of Mary, as messengers of Allah just like Mohammad (SAW), “making no distinction between one and another of His Messengers” (Al Baqarah: 285).
Some Christians say offending things to denigrate Christ. For example, James D. Tabor in his new book, The Jesus Dynasty, argues that Jesus had a human father other than Joseph, mentioned in John 6:42. He claims that Jesus’ father was a Roman soldier named Pantera, quoting a Greek philosopher, Celsus. But Jesus’ virgin birth is an article of faith with Muslims. Others asperse on his relations with Mary Magdalene.
Similarly, an article in the March 5 issue of The Guardian, quotes Benny Shanon, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as saying, “As far as Moses on Mount Sinai is concerned, it was either a supernatural cosmic event, which I don’t believe, or a legend, which I don’t believe either. Or finally, and this is very probable, an event that joined Moses and the people of Israel under the effect of narcotics.”
According to the professor, “Moses was probably also on mind-altering drugs when he saw the burning bush.” But for a Muslim, even a ‘terrorist’ one, such utterances would be blasphemous, even though Islam and its Prophet are made the objects of damning cartoons, defamatory movies and obnoxious literature.
Killing innocent people is an act of terrorism, even if it is not intended. But there is no concept of ‘collateral damage’ in Islam.
Therefore, where an innocent person is killed, such terrorist act is hit by the injunction “…and whosever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he killed all humankind, and whoever saved the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all humankind” (Pickthall: Al-Maida: 32)
The above injunction is universal in application. It mentions just “a human being.” That human being may belong to any faith or even had no faith at all.
It is a reminder that as human beings, a believer and a pagan are equal before Allah, because He created all. He is rubb-il ‘alameen, the Creator and Sustainer of the Worlds.
A terrorist who claims to be Muslim is not a ‘practising’ Muslim. He is a disobedient Muslim like those who wilfully avoid offering prayers and fasting, paying zakat, or who drink or commit other major sins. He (or she) is at best a rebel against Islam, who acts in clear defiance of its teachings.
There is no difference between him and those Christians who put millions of non-Christians to death all over the world, in blatant disregard of Christ’s instruction: “And unto him who smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other…” (Luke 6:20)
Therefore, to blame Islam for the acts of those who wilfully defy its injunctions is as wrong as blaming Christianity for the excesses of its followers. Muslims are stereotyped as terrorists. But it is not enough to be content with condemning terrorists through an op-ed piece in a newspaper.
That is already being done more forcefully by others. Saudi Arabia has circulated a consensus fatwah and more recently a large, all-India congregation of ulema at Deoband, expressed similar views. The is need to find ways to combat and prevent it. That would require understanding the problem. The fact is that terrorism as indulged in by Muslims today has two aspects. One is political, the other religious.
Political terrorists like the Iraqis, Afghans and Palestinians offer some defence for their terrorist acts. Howsoever flimsy, yet it cannot be entirely discarded. Often it is the spontaneous reaction to the excesses perpetrated by the other side.
But for religious terrorism such as sectarian killings and attacks on each other’s mosques and funerals, there can be no excuse. These acts amount to wilful massacre of innocent souls and desecration of places of worship.
Moreover, whereas political terrorism is aimed at non-Muslim invaders and occupiers, religious terrorism is directed against Muslims. It is blatant fratricide, because, “the believers are nothing other than brothers.” (Al hujurat: 10).
Between the Wahabis and Hanafis the differences are almost like between Puritans/Protestants and Catholics. Once upon a time they, too, were at each other’s throats. But they put all that behind long ago. Differences exist but violence has ceased. By contrast Muslims seem still to be wallowing in the Dark Ages.
Sunnis, Shias, Wahabis, Hanafis etc., all are united on the belief in Allah, His Messenger Mohammad (SAW), Day of Judgment, Resurrection, angels, prayer, fasting, hajj and zakat. These are the basic tenets.
All else is supplementary and personal, for which every person is responsible to Allah alone. This is what the Quran repeatedly says: “No bearer of burden can bear the burden of another?” (Al-Najm: 38 and elsewhere).
Moreover, when even with regard to non-believers Islam asks Muslims to tell them, “To you your religion; to me my religion” (Kafirun: 6), and rejects compulsion in the matter of faith (la ikraha fid-deen), why should Muslims of one sect try to impose their interpretation and practice on their brothers of another sect with violence and bloodshed?
How can those who perpetrate such acts claim to be the followers of one whom God sent as Mercy for the universe (Rahmat-al lil alameen)? It is high time that people endowed with wisdom (ulil albab) reflected, imbibed and imbued others with the essence of Islam to receive Divine Mercy.
Right! These terrorist lovers are telling me that Mossad has nothing better to do than inciting hatred against Muslims.
Mossad doesn't have to do anything. Enough people already are sick and tired of Muslim terrorism.
The foregoing Comment is an exemplary case of pure taqqiya - that is, lies and dissimulations by an apologist for Islam. And it sure needs apologizing for!
"The Fault Lies with Islam - whether apologists for it like it or not"
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