From Israel:
We have a PM who was never elected to the post yet refuses to leave after one disaster after another.
The people of Israel are mostly silent that we have a PM whose daughter interferes with the army and whose wife would belong to an anti-Israel group if she lived in the galut.
We have a PM whose sons ran away from Israel & the army.
The people are silent even after a member of the Winnograd Commission admitted that they were not going to jeopardize olmert's reign.
The PM would have been removed in any other country due to his financial dealings.
So when will the people of Israel wake up?
1. Israel Gov't/Courts is run by Corrupt Leftists who think that by appeasing Arabs . . .
Israel Gov't/Courts is run by Corrupt Leftists who think that by appeasing Arabs the world will like them. And the same goes for other countries who appease Arabs. If anything, they make the situation worse. Arabs mentality is that “everything belongs to them” and “if you give them a finger, they want a hand”.
Can someone out there explain to the Israeli government and courts that there's a halacha "eisov sonei le’Yakov". No matter what they want to accomplish by appeasing terrorists, they'll hate them anyhow. The smartest would be to throw them out of Israel and all Western countries and send them back to where they came from.
Yerushalayim (09/03/08)
FRANCE: You reap what you sow
Why in 5 WEEKS have hundreds of illegal alien African Muslim squatters not
been evicted from a theater in Paris that they decided to illegally occupy
2 hours ago
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