Barack Obama’s Very Controversial Pastor
by Sharon Hughes
Barack Obama’s friend and pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, said in a 2003 church publication,
“In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11. White America and the Western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared,’ as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.”
But Barack Obama says he is “proud” of Rev. Wright and values their 20-year-long friendship, even if they “don’t agree on everything.”
Wright, who performed Obama’s marriage and baptized his daughters, is also his close spiritual advisor. Barack’s 2004 keynote speech to the Democratic National Convention was based on a sermon by Wright called “Audacity to Hope,” which also inspired Barack’s book, “The Audacity of Hope.”
In the November-December 2007 issue of Trumpet, their church’s publication, Rev. Wright praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has described whites as “blue-eyed devils” and Jews as “bloodsuckers.” In the magazine Wright wrote, “He brings a perspective that is helpful and honest…and will be remembered as one of the 20th and 21st century giants of the African-American religious experience. His integrity and honesty have secured him a place in history as one of the nation’s most powerful critics…and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose.”
Farrakhan’s photo is on the cover of that church magazine, accompanied with the headline: “The Minister truly epitomized greatness.” Wright also presented Farrakhan with a “lifetime achievement” award during a church gala in Chicago, “For his commitment to truth, education and leadership.” (See Wright’s video honoring Farrakhan).
Recently Obama distanced himself from Farrakhan, but not from his pastor or his praise for Farrakhan. Why not?
For the record, it was Farrakhan who said:
“They call (Hezbollah) terrorists, I call them freedom fighters. No one asks why they would do such a thing. Why would they do such a thing? What has driven them to this point? That’s what the UN, the U.S. and Europe doesn’t want to deal with because the Zionists have control in England, in Europe, in the United States and around the world.”
“The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”
“Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t great for me as a Black man but he was a great German and he rose Germany up from the ashes of her defeat by the united force of all of Europe and America after the first World War.”
“Now, that nation of Israel, never has had any peace in forty years and she will never have any peace because there can never be any peace structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit and using the name of God to shield your dirty religion under His holy and righteous name.”
“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?… Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television. And they make us look like we’re the murderers; we look like we’re the gangsters, but we’re punk stuff.”
“This Koran says that the Jews have altered the word of God out of its place. They did not want the masters of the people to know what Jesus really said, what Moses really said, because then you wouldn’t have a yardstick to measure their deviations.”
“The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes.”
Farrakhan also claims to have received revelations directly from God, and conferred with the dead Elijah Muhammed while “on a wheel that you call a UFO,” about secret meetings of Ronald Reagan with his cabinet. (Click here to hear audio of this claim).
Farrakhan’s views are not only anti-Semitic and racist, but his efforts have not been to integrate Black America into mainstream America, have not been to unite — something Barack Obama claims he will do as President of the United States.
Clearly, such views are dangerous to be affiliated with on any level if you’re a candidate running for the President of the United States — the President of all the people of the United States.
Do you think Hillary will use this information against Barack? Absolutely, if she thinks she needs to, and that it will help her win.
Interestingly, Obama took back his invitation for his pastor to pray at the launch of his campaign, apparently fearing controversy from Wright’s Afrocentric teachings, and many are wondering if he wins the presidency, will he ask his close spiritual advisor, Rev. Wright, to pray at his inauguration?
While emails questioning Obama’s Muslim roots flood the world-wide-web, and he answers those by pointing out that he is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ, an Afrocentric church that preaches what the New York Times calls Black liberation theology, a good question to ask is why does he continue to affiliate with a church, a pastor, that honors Louis Farrakhan, a man who called Judaism “a gutter religion,” the Pope an “Antichrist” and Adolf Hitler “a wickedly great man,” and said that “White people are potential humans - they haven’t evolved yet”?
-Oprah Winfrey Attends Wright’s Church
- Obama’s Pastor brings up Monica Lewinsky
-Wright’s video honoring Farrakhan)
© Sharon Hughes 2008
Sharon Hughes is Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews and a radio talk show host on KDIA in San Francisco, NPLR,, and online at Salem Web Network’s Her articles appear in many recognized news sites and publications, including FRONTPAGEMAG. She also writes for, a division of The Media Research Center, and has appeared on FOX News and other national radio programs. For further information visit her Websites,, and Blog Or Contact:
Posted by Ted Belman @ 5:41 pm
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