Posted by The Green Arrow
. . . it is quite possible that the British Jews have been infected with the same malady as the British People whom they live amongst in peace.
But instead of recognizing their true enemy in our shared country, Islam and attacking them, they prefer to tilt at windmills and launch repeated attacks on the only political party that they share common values and cause with. The British National Party.
It is not the BNP that wishes to kill Christians and Jews and wipe Israel off the face of the World Map. It is our common enemy, Islam.
It is not the BNP that attacks them on the streets of North London and across the world or destroys their temples and property. It is again, our common enemy, Islam.
But now for some straight talking about my own views on the Jews and Israel.
I have been involved in Nationalist politics for over 30 years now and have sometimes wondered why almost all our Foreign Secretaries and Key Ministers always seem to have Jewish origins and whether perhaps their loyalties are greater towards the interests of Israel than the United Kingdom.
On an international level I have also wondered whether people like President Sarkozy of France who is also Jewish have any real loyalty to the countries they have made home.
And along with almost every nationalist I have ever spoken to, I came to the conclusion that British Jews support for Israel does not affect their love or loyalty toward Great Britain. A land where they have prospered and a land they they have contributed to. A land where they are safe.
Many Jewish sites have recently done a lot of research into the views of the British National Party towards British Jews and found not one shred of evidence of the BNP attacking Jews in any sense.
In fact it is now only the British National Party that seems to recognise the rights of Jews to survive as a people and Israel to survive as a nation.
The other parties seem to have cast the Jews aside as they build closer links to the new money of Islam. But unlike those parties, the BNP does not drop a core believe just for financial or political gain in scrabbling for the votes of the moslems they continually import to prop up their failing Establishment.
So surely you would think, that if Jews believe that God gave them the land between the two blue rivers on their flag, then God also gave the British this land, our land and would recognise what it is the British National Party are fighting for. The survival of our people.
And rest assured, the only way the Jews in Britain will survive is if the British National Party prevails. Islam will not be so tolerant to either Jew or Christian if they are allowed to gain control of our shared land.
The British National Party does not condemn Israel for its laws on ensuring that political control is not lost to them by allowing unchecked immigration into their land so that they may join the "democratic process" and vote for the destruction of Israel by weight of numbers.
The Jews are not stupid. Far from it. They recognised a long time ago that it not the enemy at the gate that could destroy them but rather the enemy they allow within. The same enemy that, if permitted, once their numbers are large enough would vote away Our way of Life and make the UK just another Islamic State where the people live in fear under the rule of madmen.
But the recent attack on the BNP, shown in the link above, by the Board of Deputies of British Jews encouraging British Jews to campaign against the BNP and support The Esablishments rotating dictatorship in the coming European Elections is a betrayal of the British Jews.
Because the Board of Deputies are akin to the British Politicans who would betray the British People for personal gain. Yes they are are Jews also but that does not make them right. They serve only themselves and the Status Quo which feeds them.
Now then(not much more), I fully expect to be attacked by so called "Nationalists" for supporting the Jews and Israel but there is one thing it took me a long time to learn. The nature of the beast that attacks both Jew and Brit.
Many of these "purists" are state agents paid to make inflammotry and hateful statements to ensure that there is no joining together of Jews and British people to fight their common enemies. Islam and the New World Order. They will not succeed.
The importance to our enemies of propapagating the myth that British Nationalists hate the Jews. By doing so they hope to divert the British People away from the truth that the BNP speaks. The fact that there are global marxists hell bent on creating a New World Order. And this New World Order is not run by "The Jews", although there are many that conspire with them, they are all kinds and colours.
My father fought against the evil of Fascism, his generation died in their hundreds of thousands fighting for freedom and so I end on a note of hope.
It was heartening news yesterday to read on the BNP site that the British National Party had three former Spitfire Pilots still fighting in The Battle Of Britain. I salute them.
I have always marked the Jewish People in this Country down as being smart cookies, they have had to be smart to survive centuries of persecution but now I am wondering if they have a collective Death Wish. It is quite possible.
The majority of the British People seem to have one, as they continue to vote for the Lib/Lab/con alliance, whose long term plan is the complete destruction of the White People whose country this is.
So it is quite possible that the British Jews have been infected with the same malady as the British People whom they live amoungst in peace.
But instead of recognizing their true enemy in our shared country, Islam and attacking them, they prefer to tilt at windmills and launch repeated attacks on the only political party that they share common values and cause with. The British National Party.
Posted by The Green Arrow at
A letter to British Jews
Read the whole post at
A letter to British Jews
Don’t! just don’t bring them here!
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