“The degraded one says in his heart, ‘There is no God’”
Prof. Paul Eidelberg
Apropos of the terrorist murder of Rabbi Meir Chai, a father of seven from Samaria, I ask once again: “Why is Netanyahu still in Office?”
How many Jews have been murdered by Arab terrorists as a result of Israel’s spineless and intellectually stultified prime ministers?
Why is there no rational method of removing such timid and unteachable prime ministers from office? What enables them to remain in office or be re-elected despite their abysmal political records?
How many years must Israel persist in the inane policy of self-restraint — read “cowardice” — and suffer its consequences, the murder of our loved ones and the degradation of our country?
Why can’t Israel’s political and intellectual leaders recognize the most palpable fact — a fact manifested over and over again during the course of 1,400 years of Islamic history — that you cannot make peace with the disciples of Muhammad, who have slaughtered more than 200 million people during those fourteen centuries?
This is the one crucial (and horrific) fact which no prime minister of Israel — certainly not a Harvard-educated prime minister like Binyamin Netanyahu — has been able to assimilate, which is why I deem them unteachable.
Bear in mind that the mentor of Shimon Peres, Professor Y. Harkabi, set forth all you need to know about the militant and mendacious character of Islam in his book Arab Attitudes to Israel. Yet this same academic advocated negotiations with the disciples of Muhammad for the purpose establishing a PLO state in Israel’s heartland? Ponder this schizophrenia, which permeates all too many of Israel’s (as well as America’s) political and intellectual elites, and you will not be surprised to learn that Israel’s Harvard-education prime minister is a clone of these idiots.
The Jewish sages said that the atmosphere of Israel makes one wise. But this they said of Israel when Israel worshipped God and was not led by fools who say in their hearts there is no God.
To ask, as I have— “Why is Netanyahu still in office?” — is to suggest that there is no political accountability among those who hold office in Israel. This lack of accountability can be traced not only to Israel’s poorly designed political institutions, which I have discussed ad nauseam, but also to fools or degraded leaders who say in their hearts there is no God.
Don’t! just don’t bring them here!
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1 hour ago
1 comment:
This is yet another sad and unnecessary death Leslie.
There can be no more accommodation with Islam EVER, and there should never have be at any time.
"The Jewish sages said that the atmosphere of Israel makes one wise. But this they said of Israel when Israel worshipped God and was not led by fools who say in their hearts there is no God."
How true. Equally dangerous is the liberal-Marxist mindset that states that 'Evil is 'only' the absence of good!
The liberals et al from the Jewish Chronicle have been making overtures of some kind to British Nationalists; and it is confusing people.
Seasonal greetings to you my friend!
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