The Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH)
(The Arabs there are de trops, unwanted useless, spawn of the 7th century Moslem invaders)
This "Temporary" International Presence in Hebron has been there far too long. Make it really "temporary," get it out of Jewish land.
TIPH (Temporary International Presence in Hebron): Fact and Fiction
David Wilder
May 27, 2008
In an article published by the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) called "About TIPH []," it is stated: The two parties [Israel and the Arabs] agreed that TIPH should be the neutral witness on the ground who monitors and reports on the situation. TIPH's neutrality might be weighed against the following TIPH statements:
In a TIPH information pamphlet [] they state: Typical TIPH reports concern violence and harassment around settlements, shooting incidents and misconduct by police or soldiers, house searches, prolonged ID-checks and restrictions of freedom of movement.
In an article titled "A Brief History, [ ]" TIPH refrains from stating that Ma'arat HaMachpela was closed to Jews and Christians for 700 years, despite the fact that it is a " holy city for the Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths."
They also state "After the war of 1948, Hebron came under Jordanian rule which lasted until the war of 1967 when Hebron was occupied by the Israeli army."
Note that Hebron came under Jordanian rule but was occupied by the Israeli army."
Also note that "since then (2002) the Israeli army operates over the entire area in violation of the agreements." However no violation of agreements or obligations of the Arabs is mentioned.
An article headlined "Six years since two TIPH observers were shot dead in Hebron" [] refrains from mentioning that the observers were killed by an Arab terrorist. It was also noted that members of TIPH and representatives of the Palestinian authority were present at a memorial for the two TIPH officers. It is not clear whether any Israelis were invited to participate.
In an article headlined "Israeli settlers occupy Palestinian building in Hebron" [] "TIPH urges the IDF to evacuate the settlers from the building to avoid that new facts of the ground are being established, TIPH Head of Mission Karl-Henrik Sjursen says. This action of the settlers can be seen by the Palestinians as an unnecessary provocation in an already tense environment. It might have serious consequences for the security situation in the city, TIPH Head of Mission Karl-Henrik Sjursen adds.
In an article headlined "Increased violence around newly occupied house in Hebron" [] TIPH states, "The occupation of the house has not only led to increased violence but also further destabilized the situation in Hebron as a whole. In this respect TIPH again urges the Israeli authorities on all levels to take necessary measures to evict the occupants."
In an article headlined, TIPH welcomes the eviction of illegal occupants from the wholesale market in Hebron [],TIPH states, TIPH is concerned about the recent development in the city of Hebron and urges the Israeli authorities to uphold law and order and protect all people living in the area.
- In the light of the ongoing violence and the continuing violation of both Israeli and international law we also encourage the Israeli authorities to evict the settlers occupying the house on Patriarchs' Hill with no further delay, TIPH head of Mission Karl-Henrik Sjursen also says.
A map sold in Hebron, distributed by the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee, donated by and under the auspices of TIPH, contains the symbol of Palmap – the entire state of Israel. The map labels all Israeli sites in the city as 'palestinian:' The Avraham Avinu neighborhood is called Al Hisbeh settlement; Beit Romano is Madraset Qsamah; Beit Hadassah is Al Dabboya; the Gutnick Center is called Al-Isterahah settlement; and of course Ma'arat HaMachpela is called Al Haram al Ibrahimi. The map also describes Hebron as an "Arab Islamic City."
In a TIPH public opinion poll [] they ask:
Table 11: Knowledge about some of activities implemented by TIPH according to place of residence
One of the possible replies is: Physical protection of houses against settler harassment.Is TIPH responsible for 'physically protecting" Arabs from 'settler harassment?'Does TIPH act to 'physically protect' Jews from 'Arab harassment?'
Figure 26: One of the choices given when asked about about how long they think that the organization should stay, was: that TIPH should stay until the end of occupation.Why does TIPH relate to a Jewish presence in Hebron as 'occupation?' Why does TIPH take for granted that the Jewish presence (occupation) will come to an end?
Figure 30: TIPH is currently holding a campaign to raise the awareness of the citizen on their legal rights under occupation. Did you hear about this campaign and the activities?Again, TIPH relates to Jewish presence in Hebron as 'occupation.'
The Public Opinion Poll []Some interesting responses:
Figure 2:Only 9% of the population is unemployed.
Figure 4: 69% are optimistic – 21% are pessimistic
65% of those living in H2 are optimistic
Table 7:Issue of concern:Economic hardship: In H1 – 21% - In h2 – 25%
Not concerned at all: In H2 – 24%
TIPH influenceFigure 8 – Table 962% feel less secure since inception of TIPH H1- 61% H2 – 69%Only 22% feel more secure
Figure 9 – 10 Needs:Household needs: 29% answered employment – 40% answered security Community needs: 31% answered employment – 69% answered securityThe report states: "The need for employment is higher among respondents living in H1. So is the need for education and security."
Table 11: Have you heard about TIPH implementing… Physical protection of houses against settler harassment - 90% no
Figure 16:30% - TIPH is working to fulfill its mandate
Figure 17: What is TIPH doing in Hebron:12% Physical protection of houses against settler harassment
Figure 18:
65% TIPH doesn't really see what is happening in the city or don't know
Figure 19: 58% never met TIPH member
Figure 21: 86% never reported incident to TIPH
Figure 22: 49% reporting incident doesn't improve situation
Figure 23:Benefits:83% haven't benefited from TIPH
Figure 25:34% satisfied with TIPH work in community
Figure 26:Question of duration of mandate: 35% - TIPH shouldn't be here58% - TIPH should stay until end of occupation
Figure 27:Support of TIPH presence46% support54% - not support/indifferent
Figure 28:Support sending more TIPH observers:54% oppose
From the above statistics we can learn:
1. TIPH is far from being a "neutral observer." To the contrary, TIPH is clearly biased towards the Arabs in Hebron, and shows absolutely no concern or sympathy for the Jewish community in Hebron.TIPH relates to an Israeli presence in Hebron as 'occupation' and seem to be working to end this 'occupation.' They also assume the the 'settlers' harass Arabs. However no mention is made of Arab terror against Jews.
2. The TIPH presence in Hebron has little, if any influence, on the Arab population of Hebron. They see little, if any need for TIPH, with many of those asked rejecting any positive TIPH influence and rejecting their necessity in the city.
3. According to the poll, only 9% of Hebron's residents are unemployed; this compared to reports of between 25-27% in all of 'the west bank.' Economic hardship concerns only a quarter of the population. In other words, the claims of 'Israeli repression' due to closed shops in the H2 region of Hebron are false. Some 65% of H2 residents are classified as 'optimistic' concerning the future.
Clearly, from the above facts and statistics, Israel, in allowing TIPH to remain in Hebron, is supporting an overtly enemy organization, which actively works against Israel, has no cares for Jewish rights or security, and is totally ineffective in working the Hebron's Arab population. Israel must end the TIPH mandate in Hebron and demand that they immediately leave the country.
See also:
"Palestinian" Territory, Occupied?
Don’t! just don’t bring them here!
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